Friday, January 6, 2012

Happy Friday!

Yay! It's Friday. My last Friday as a relatively free person. It's back to the cave (a.k.a. my room) once classes start on Monday. But let's link up to Amanda again and talk about the wonderful things we have encountered this past week.

- Playing guitar. My daddy gave me one of his guitars for Christmas so I learned two new songs. It was so much fun to get back into the musical routine. And the guitar means so much more than a new one because it's one that my dad enjoyed for years.

Ain't it purdy? It sounds awesome too! You should see
the back of it too. The pattern on the wood on the back is
pretty much perfectly symmetrical.

- I got to sit at the laundromat with my aunt for a couple hours and just talk and enjoy time together. I'm going to miss her now that I'm not around for a couple months.

- Seeing cute pictures with funny little details. For example, this picture of us walking in a park.

Notice how our feet are pretty much exactly in the same position? Awwww!

- Meeting new people: you never know what to expect and sometimes, you're lucky and you get a pleasant surprise!

- I got a card from my friend in Alberta with pictures from her wedding. It made me very happy. So many wonderful memories.

It was such a fantastic night! She was one of the most beautiful
brides I have ever seen. Ever!

- Starbucks with Amanda! Yay! I missed her. And everyone from my program. So moving back to my city of friends was a good thing.

- Goofy moments during "Family Supper/Movie Night": We had one pair of kid's 3D glasses so we wanted to see if I could wear them under my normal glasses because they can't fit on top. This is what resulted:

I think they look super classy! Much  more so than the normal way
of wearing these fabulous 3D glasses.

- Meeting my best friend's girlfriend for the first time. This guy deserves all the best things in the world. And he has definitely found someone who is wonderful for him. So maybe he found the best person in the world. I am so happy for him!

- Went to see the Muppets Movie (with above friend and girlfriend). All my students told me how much they liked it. And they had good reason to. It was so cute! I loved the music in it. I miss the Muppets.

- Bought a new calendar. And it's a Happy Calendar! I am all about trying to see the positive in situations and be the happiest person that I can be. Sometimes it can be hard work, but it's definitely worth it.

I should probably read this book as well... Actually, I should probably
get a start on my copy of The Book of Awesome as well...

- I got to see my posters again. They are the most random pair of posters but I love them and they make me smile. So there!

Adorable elephants and Doctor Who! Who could ask for anything more?
Well, poster-wise, at least.

- I put in a new scent in my Berger Lamp and it smells delicious. I'm happy to have it back in my life.

My mom always used Ocean Breeze which I loved. But I felt like something
fruity when I bought mine so I tried Pear which smelled delicious.
This time I got Cranberry which is absolutely fantastic as well.

Those are just a few of the things that made me happy. Feel free to comment or link up to share what made you happy this week. Hope the next week is filled with wonderful, joyous things!

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